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Vocational Subjects

Ready to learn, ready for life starts with our curriculum. Vocational studies allow for development of skills and support a wider awareness of the world of work. From year 10 onwards students can access several different vocational subjects. The vocational options are in addition to the core subjects that HVH offer. 


Making best use of our onsite resources vocational subjects are reviewed periodically to meet students’ aspirations, ambitions and choices as well as staff expertise. Qualification units can be aggregated in subject areas to achieve the following;

BTEC Awards, Certificates, Level 1 and 2

Personal Progress Awards

Personal Development; Bronze, Silver and Gold

AQA Unit Awards; Pre-Entry, Entry and Level 1



Vocational studies allow students to identify potential areas of interest for employment, further studies at college or as a hobby and leisure interest in adult life. Our vocational programme is enhanced by our careers award, students undertaking in-house work experience in Key Stage 4 as well as external work experience in 6th form.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Now added to our Curriculum, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is the equivalent to a GCSE and is looked upon favourably by prospective colleges, universities and employers. Students can choose this as one of their vocational options.

Well done to all the students who have successfully completed their DofE expeditions. Bronze students walked on Cannock Chase for two days and camped on the school field for one night; they had to work together to complete a series of tasks. Silver students completed a qualification expedition, walking around the countryside outside Stone for three days and camped at Kibblestone scout camp for two nights.

Performing Arts (AQA)

In the Performing Arts program, we take part in a range of activities bringing scripts to life; from the read-through, to the audition process and onto the setting of scenes as well as discussing how characters speak, walk and dress. We design costumes, draw ideas for stage sets and think about how to face an audience to speak clearly and be heard when we perform. We also design and make both masks and puppets for use in our own shows. 


Outdoor Learning (Forest Schools, Horticulture)

Outdoor Learning - 'Forest Schools to Gardening'

Outdoor learning improves social skills, health, team building, well-being and behaviour leading to a better understanding of the natural world.  Fresh air, being active and spending time outdoors are all great for both mental and physical health.

Students at Hednesford Valley High explore the outdoors as part of their curriculum through 6 sessions of Forest School during year 7.  Forest School is an inspirational process, that offers all students opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment with trees.  The ethos of Forest School is that the sessions are student led, planning is not rigid and can be altered at the request of the students.  Lots of freedom is given for exploring the environment with very little staff involvement.

The principles of Forest School are further developed through a lunchtime gardening club and then horticulture lessons in key stage 4.  Students learn about the principle of field to fork, how produce is grown and develop enterprise projects for example making plants as gifts for special occasions.