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Each term we have one enrichment day, this is a day when the timetable is suspended and all the students take part in a range of different activities depending on their option choices. 

The students work with others across the whole school.  Students do not wear uniform on enrichment days and they often have different arrangements for lunch.

Enrichment day themes change from year to year.  In the last few years we have worked on anti-bullying, healthy life styles, world of work, Kenya, literacy and numeracy.  The students have the opportunity to choose their activities both in and out of school.  The day is usually made up of 3 sessions and students can either do the same option all day or take part in different options.  We have a number of coaches, visitors and resources in school to give students new experiences e.g. climbing wall, sporting coaches and local athletes.

Some of the enrichment day activities result in art work, objects and resources being produced, they are on display for all either at the end of the day or on corridors for students to observe.  Some activities result in films and plays; they are shared with others during assemblies, on our plasma screen and this web site.